Day Twenty One - 21 Days of Abundance
Congratulations! You made it! It has truly been an honor and a wonderful practice for me to facilitate our journey. May the success of this experience continue to ripple forth into your lives in infinite ways far greater than you have imagined.
Are you familiar with the seven “switches” of happiness? 🌟 give to your neighbor 🌟 transmit (love & light) 🌟 let go (of things that do not serve you) 🌟 indulge (live life to the fullest) 🌟 give thanks 🌟 give yourself (be of service) 🌟 forgive When these seven become part of your life, happiness will flow into it simply and easily. Everything is energy and its flow must be circular and continuous in order to return abundance to you. This is how the law of reciprocity works. Energy current ↔️ influx/flow ↔️ money/abundance Keep your channels open and clean so that your energy can flow unhindered. Remember to stay present. This is YOUR time!
Your future is in your hands. You make choices and decisions every day, every moment. How you use your time, with whom you spend it, and how you feel at every moment determines your life.
Post to the group (this took place on WhatsApp) a video, audio or written message, describing your experience of journeying through these 21 days. Some of you have already started this but if there is anything else you want to share.
In the report say/write:
- Your name
- Where you are from
- Yesterday you reflected on your journey up until this point. What were your results? What did you learn/gain from this experience?
- Did you like participating in this journey and moving towards abundance in a group stream?
- Tell us what you do in life, what you offer, and then tell us what ideas for projects you have. Perhaps you will meet like-minded people, partners or people interested in your services here.
✨Every moment of every day I live my life abundantly✨
So Ham
So Ham
💫 Awareness
💫 Gratitude
💫 Recognition of value & abundance
I thank each of you beautiful humans for your presence and the energy you’ve invested in this process.
I love you all.
🙏🏽 Catherine